

Inspiration comes from many avenues, in various shapes, sizes, colors and structure. A partial story read on another's blog, the taste of oatmeal in the morning, sunshine through the blinds. Silence breeds inspiration. When your mind is busy and loud, you don't hear those priceless whispers to your soul. 5 minutes of meditation with hip-hop thumping in the background can answer prayers through a word and two numbers, Job 3:10. A muse can pour words into a mind that recreate themselves into screenplays and novels. A once angry and bitter songstress will open eyes and melt hearts with lyrical gratitude of shuddering thoughts. Pictures, scents and sounds inspire poetry, hymns and release. Feelings of love and desperation kindle testimonies. Why do we shelter ourselves? What makes us bury our own opportunities to inspire? Who will walk into our lives next and set our world spinning? Maybe it is you.

1 comment:

Raadgep Fam said...

I love that blog! I would like permission to print it for scrapbooking. THat was really well done. I miss you.