3 parts Memories; 2 parts Emotion; 1 part Fantasy; Add a handful of sarcasm, a pinch of reality, and a touch of the yet unknown. Roll into geometric shapes. Bake in my mind for a lifetime.
If all the animals along the equator...
I'm going to wear flip-flops to my wedding. Yup!
Just because I can, and I have them, I will be posting a ton of old pics of family and friends on Facebook. Why not?
Name calling breaks my heart.
I'm so excited about the new landscaping we are having planted! I hope it will be as beautiful as I imagine.
Wedding at our house has gone from 25 or so people to around 70. Yikers! I don't even know that many people!
Need to put a little more effort into my work ethic. I've been a slacker lately.
The new slate on our screened-in porch is looking fabulous! Next step, grout.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Haven't posted any shoes in a while. Must change that!
Quote for the Day
Freewrite - Footnote
My patience is running so thin recently. I just want to take people by the shoulders and viciously shake them screaming "Stop being an idiot and figure it out yourself. You're not a child!!" So I take a deep breath and listen to some waves and try to go to my happy place. Then my phone rings or an email pops up and I'm back in reality.
Perhaps it's the lack of sleep, or the 4 new kittens, or the never-ending doctor's appointments, or planning the wedding, or the 50 hour work weeks, or the 80 mile commute, or the OB appointments, or J always being on the road, or the fatigue, or the stress, or the bills, or the nausea, or the incessant questions for answers they already know if they would take one second and use their own brains instead of picking at mine (and my phone rings with one right now!), or the nightmares, or the self-doubt of can I really do this what the hell am I thinking, or the metallic taste that been in my mouth for weeks, or worrying why do I randomly pass out and what if it happens while I'm driving, or the overwhelming workload, or the thunderstorms, or the two downed trees in my yard, or the huge pile of brush that keeps growing and needs to be burned, or the kitchen floor that's not quite right, or my squeaking serpentine belt, or shaking tire, or expired warranty...or perhaps this is just life and I should be grateful I'm surviving as well as I am. Thanks for the vent, it's freeing.