
Too much Art...Or not enough?

Duke University's Nasher Museum of Art holds a piece by artist Sean Landers, titled 'Self...Something'. A wall sized canvas with anecdotes, thoughts, fears, perceptions, quotes, anger, jokes, dreams, wants and hates of the artist written out for the perusal of all. The blatant honesty and nakedness of his words struck me to the core. Much like PostSecret, this raw expose' of inner thoughts cuts to the root of each of us. Reminding us that our fears, hopes and dreams are not so different from each other. I read many of my own insights, my own shortcomings and my own angst in his words. Tremendous that simply putting down the thoughts that roll around in our minds could touch another soul. We are so closely connected in this life, in our psyche and our souls. Simple truths resound in each of us, drifting from one to another. Multiplying and strengthing as they go. What would I say were I to write each thought? Who's heart would I prick? Who's wounds would I heal? My own.

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