
Pilates is not my best friend

So I decided to try the Pilates class at my gym tonite. I want to stay looking hot for my hubby, and for me. For those of you who don't know, Pilates is stretching exercises targeting specific muscle groups. It is supposed to promote core strength and flexibility. Sounds good right? I thought so too. and then...I GOT MY BOOTY KICKED!!!! Holy Smokes! I didn't know I even had muscles in places that my muscles hurt now. My sit-in-an-office-then-on-the-freeway-for-60-hours-a-week butt and hips do not do the things I was asked to do. Oh, your butt has never moved that way before? 10 more reps. Ready and 1...

So I'll be back next Tuesday. I'm a glutton for punishment.

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