
2008 New Years Resolutions!

  1. Take the Stairs
  2. Let Go
  3. Waste Less
  4. Forgive More
  5. Learn How to Pay Attention

Let's review:

  1. Take the Stairs: I am a fairly stationary being the vast majority of my hours. I sit at work, I sit in the car, I sit at home, I'm sitting right now. I work on the 6th floor, that's 12 flights. I'll have to wear tennis shoes in the morning and put on my cute shoes once I get to my desk. Then I'll have my tennies to go for walks during lunch. Multi-purpose!
  2. Let Go: I have a tendancy to hold on to things; bitterness, anger, spite, wrongs and pains. They are poison in my veins. I am working on learning new skills on letting go and having the faith that they will be replaced by better things. We have a limited space inside us, what do we fill it with?
  3. Waste Less: I am wasteful. With food, time, money, energy, thoughts, emotions, attention and love. I will work on one thing at a time to try to be less wasteful. This is a lifelong effort, might as well start now.
  4. Forgive More: This mainly means myself, but all people in general and some close to me in specific. One of the main skills I'll use to Let Go is forgiveness. If I do not forgive myself or others, I hold onto that enmity, thus not letting go. The cycle continues. Learning the true meaning and purpose of forgiveness is my goal.
  5. Learn How to Pay Attention: To myself; my body, my mind and heart; To my husband and marriage; To my work and responsibilities; To my home and future goals; Most importantly - Pay Attention to the moment right now. I can do nothing for the past and the future may not come, I have only this moment to live.

1 comment:

Raadgep Fam said...

Thats awsome! One thing you forgot in Pay attention, you have tp pay attention to when God talks too! We love you