
Nothing of Much Importance Whatsoever

Movies we've recently seen:

Juno-Pretty good Indie flick. Laugh out loud funny in places, tug at your heart strings in other places, make you want to increase your vocabulary in others, realize that most folks are pretty real.

Cloverfield-About as real as they could make something completely ridiculously unreal. Shoulder camera gave me a headache. Actually cared about the characters. Where the heck did that thing come from and why didn't they use Smart bombs? We have J-Dams bunker busters that can break through 50 feet of earth and concrete and yet our Stealth was dropping WWII unguided bombs? Ever heard of guidance systems!?!

Enchanted- A musical that I thought was way cute. I would let kids see this. Maybe some girls Knight in Shining Whatever really is a single dad who lives like a bachelor and she really can make all of Central Park sing. Why the heck not?

National Treasure 2- Second verse, same as the first. But since I liked the first one, I'll give this on the thumbs up too.Did Helen Mirren really have a tattoo on her hand? Cool.

That's all for now folks.

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