

It snowed about 2-3 inches last night! So beautiful!
D and I ran outside at 3am and played in the snow. I built this tiny little snowman in my PJ's!

Back yard this morning. Rain is starting to melt the snow, but it's still there.

Front yard and my car. D is in my car, warming it up. What a nice guy!

Looking down our street! It's so crazy! I love snow!


Just a piece of my boring life :) said...

We have lots of snow here we can share :). It's been snowing ALL DAY. We got more snow in Dec then we had all winter last year.

Raadgep Fam said...

Wow I am so sad about snow, I love snow but I am stuck here in Cali! Ohhh I am so jealous!

Brittany said...

You have NO idea how jealous that little snowman makes me. I want to be in the snow with you! Fly me out there! Can I come visit you? PLEASE PLEASE huh huh?