
Sometimes I think you just love me for my Carrot

Sometimes I wish I was short. It would be so much easier to shop for pants.

Sometimes I drive fast just because I have to get gas anyway.

Sometimes I postpone doing something, because it will make other people have to work.

Sometimes I sit and stare, and forget to breathe.

Sometimes I look at pictures of myself and wonder, "Who is she?"

Sometimes I eat popcorn for lunch.

Sometimes I change my passwords for no reason.

Sometimes I scroll through the address book on my phone and don't call anyone because I think they'd be too busy to talk to me.

Sometimes I sit in traffic and make up stories about the people around me.

Sometimes I wonder if people are thinking about me at the same time I'm thinking of them.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm psychic and try to make people do things just by concentrating on them.

Sometimes I turn off the light in my room, and get scared and run to my bed.

Sometimes I think of people I've lost and hope they are watching over me.

Sometimes I hope they're not.

Sometimes I spend 10 minutes brushing my teeth.

Sometimes I wish I had a huge tree to climb, where I could go and hide.

Sometimes I have to yell at myself "GO BACK TO WORK AND QUIT WRITING IN YOUR BLOG!!!!!"

Sometimes I actually listen.

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