
Candy Dish Conundrum

I am the employee with the obligatory candy dish on her desk. The original purpose of this offering was to entice my new coworkers to come visit me in cubie land, and get to know me as more than just an e-mail auto-signature. My plan worked out nicely, at first.

People came to talk to me and ate my candy. People came to see me and ate my candy. People grabbed some candy as they walked by and said hi. People ate all my gum when I was away from my desk. People started making requests for certain types of candy. People got upset when I did not have their favorite kind of candy. People told me I was on notice when I have not had their favorite candy for some time. PMS'ing women cursed me for not having chocolate at their beck and call. People come into my office, rifle through my candy dish, don't find what they want, and leave in a huff. (Did you notice how I got promoted from cubie to office in there, NICE!)

I've decided that my Christmas Spirit needs to rub off on my candy dish. I will get a nice assortment of candy, including chocolate, and make sure I have a smile on my face whenever someone comes to visit me. It really is a blessing to have my amazing job and I need to be more grateful for it and the wonderful people I work with. Merry Christmas!

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