
Chemical Need for Unrequited Love

Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Seratonin, Insulin, Epinephrine, Adrenaline.

All of these chemicals run around in our brains every day and create emotions, reactions and states of mind. Some we can partially control, most we cannot. Some can be partially controlled by pharmacology, diet or practices such as yoga and other relaxative techniques. The vast majority of chemical reactions in our brain are out of our control and beyond our understanding.

What is the chemical reaction involved in new love? And why do some have an addiction to it? I do not assume in any way that I am a scientist and undertstand the chemicals at all. But I do understand, or am trying to, why I need new infatuations on a regular basis. I get bored so very easily, and having a new love/lust/flirtation/fantasy creates that sense of euphoria and pleasure I crave. This sense is created by Dopamine and Epinephrine in my brain. My heart starts to pound, temperature raises and my hands get clammy if I talk to or fantasize about my new love. This reaction is created by Adrenaline and Insulin. I get distracted from what I'm supposed to be doing and focus on this new interest. Distraction is caused by Norepinephrine and Seratonin.

My brain craves this mixture of chemicals like a junkie seeking their next fix. I seek out objects of my desire everywhere I go; on the freeway, at the grocery store, walking in the mall. Even while I'm standing next to my husband, I still attempt to portray a sex object so I can believe I am wanted by other men (and women) around me. As soon as I find a fixation for my attention, the chemicals begin their exhilarating run around my brain and I get my fix for the minute.

"Oh, God, I know no joy as great as a moment of rushing into a new love, no ecstasy like that of a new love. I swim in the sky; I float; my body is full of flowers, flowers with fingers giving me acute, acute caresses, sparks, jewels, quivers of joy, dizziness, such dizziness. Music inside of one, drunkenness. Only closing the eyes and remembering, and the hunger, the hunger for more, more, the great hunger, the voracious hunger, and thirst." -Anais Nin

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