

I'm going to start making T-Shirts with random comments and pictures on them, and send them to people as gifts, maybe even sell them.

1. Men. You can't live with 'em and you can only shoot 'em with a piantball gun.

2. Life's short. Eat dessert first.

3. Look! Elvis!

4. Rock, Paper, Scissors. Choose Wisely.

5. SPAM!

6. Nerdical!

7. Monkeyhead

8. You ate that like it was Cool!

9. Random Slightly Humorous Comment

10. Whip Me, Beat Me, Eat Me *picture of egg*

11. Ya Wanna? ;o)

12. Eden Eyes

13. SHOES!

14. Mushrooms are fun

15. Rules are for School

16. My friend started an online business and all I got was this dumb t-shirt

17. Mmmm! Donuts!

18. S'Mores! The other white meat.

19. Vapid

20. I think I need a time-out

21. Batteries Included

22. There is no spoon

23. Slinky! Slinky!

24. It's a jump to the left, then a step to the right.
Put your hands on your hips, bring your knees in tight.

25. Wanna play doctor?

26. I'm not an actor, but I play one on TV.

27. Gotcha!

28. You fake orgasm like I fake snoring.

29. Pick a card, any card.

30. Bond, James Bond


Edeninc said...

#31. I <3 Rocks!

Edeninc said...

#32. Nerf-Herder

Edeninc said...

#33. The world is a rainbow of grey.

Edeninc said...

#34. Do or do not. There is not "try".